Take Advantage of a Ford Raptor Lease Special Now

The Ford F-150 Raptor truck is a sensational vehicle. That’s why many drivers choose to lease the vehicle instead of purchasing it. They can use it for work or they can save it for driving recreationally. Leasing makes it possible for them to save on paying sales tax and taking a hit on depreciation as well.


Why Leasing Is Usually Better than Buying

When you lease a truck, like a Raptor, you’re basically leasing the car for a specific time. This period typically ranges from 36 to 48 months. In turn, you only pay for the car’s use (depreciation) for that time frame, which keeps you from absorbing the total depreciation expense. Therefore, by leasing a vehicle, you won’t ever find yourself in a topsy-turvy position financially.

Plus, when you go online you can take advantage of a Ford Raptor Lease special or other leasing specials if your timing is right. You just have to see the wisdom in leasing over buying an automobile.

Some of the Raptor’s Features

The Ford Raptor, which is built on an F-150 frame, also boasts a superior suspension system. If you wish to use the truck for off-roading, you should lease a truck with 37-inch tires as they offer more ground clearance and provide increased departure angles. Plus, you have to admit that those bigger tires also look impressive.

The suspension on the truck is electronically controlled, and therefore adjusts damping rates to 500 per second. That rate is exceptional. Also, the dampers are designed to manage heat well during off-roading activities. 

A Quiet Ride – Inside the Cab

While the sound of the truck may slightly disrupt a couple’s quiet stroll in the neighborhood, you’ll enjoy a peaceful ride inside the cab as it comes with a noise canceling seal.

Using the Truck for Towing

If you use the truck for towing, you’ll find you won’t be disappointed. This is the right truck to lease if  you need increased torque and power for the activity.

Save on Fuel and Enjoy Driving More Often

The truck features a V-6 engine that allows you to realize fuel savings as compared to similar pick-ups of this type and class. So, you’ll want to increase the annual mileage on the truck if you choose to lease it online. 

Other Memorable Features

The truck comes in various trim levels, features four-wheel drive, and offers a technology package that includes a 360-degree camera and heated steering wheel.

Ask About a Lease Special Now

Get ready to be impressed. Start by asking about leasing a Ford F-150 Raptor truck without delay. See if you can find a special lease deal online today.