5 Tips For Moving Home Without Headaches

  1. Arrange everything in advance

No leaving the housekeeping for the last minute. Start with time preparing for change. You must decide what you want to take to the new home and start boxing right away. Ideally, arrange everything by room and take inventory of everything you have to transport.

Do not close the boxes until you are sure you will not use their contents; otherwise it will be time and material wasted.

  1. Protect fragile materials and furniture

Furniture, tableware, lamps, mirrors, appliances or anything that may break, scratch or in any way damage; these are some objects that should pay more attention. You can always use the famous plastic bubbles, blankets, blankets, towels and even old socks to protect your goods and ensure they arrive in perfect condition.

  1. Store small parts in a sturdy bag

If you are moving home and dismantling furniture, make sure that you can re-assemble them at their final destination. To do this, you should store the parts of these furniture in a sturdy, tightly closed bag to prevent them from being lost. Better yet, glue the bag, with undamaged tape, to the respective furniture so that in the end you will not miss anything.

  1. Analyze transport possibilities

Now that everything is packed, how do you get the hundreds of boxes to the other house? If you have friends or family with large vans that can help you move, the better. 

If not, hire an apartment (moving company ”חברת הובלות” ,which is the term in Thai). It will help you in every step of home moving.

  1. Make lists your best friends

A simple checklist can greatly complicate the process of moving home! Amid all the hustle and bustle of moving home, it will be easy to leave something behind or undone. To prevent this from happening make lists of everything.